Do we love soccer? Who knows.

Not bad, not good. Brother and Sister are on a soccer team. Apparently they're good. Papa and their little baby sister honey cheer for them. Mama is a soccer mom. I'm not sure why that entitles her to sign their team up for games. She wants them to practice. They're not practicing; they're actually playing a weird pickup game of soccer which doesn't have anyone supervising them. She thinks maybe they're doing that because they're not having enough fun at practice. She joins them, and other grownups join them in the soccer game, and then the cubs ask her to teach them how to place soccer better.
It's interesting to see the mother in the role of pushing the kids to do something they might not want to do, but clearly they like to play soccer. It's just that they don't like to play soccer... while being supervised? It's really not clear. This is very weird. I guess she's putting too much pressure on their team by cheering them on? Is she too noisy? Is she embarrassing? Maybe she just wants them to play harder and isn't giving them any real advice? Do they even have a coach? It's unclear why they're not having fun at first.
The best part: "But sometimes, Mama is too good a soccer mom. She cheers too loudly. She jumps up and down. She whistles. She waves signs. She blows horns. It is too much."