Sometimes life hands you lemons.

There's a kid named Alexander. Things are just going wrong for him. And they just go wrong for him all day long. And he just has a bad day. And that's it. I mean, at the end his mom says, "Some days are like that." You can't do anything about bad days like that. You just kind of have to deal with it, and the next day might be better.
And it's all very realistic things, like fighting when your brother calls you a crybaby because you fell down, your teacher liking someone else's picture better than yours, your mom forgets to pack dessert in your lunch, your best friend decides that you're not best friends anymore. Things that kids deal with, and mostly things that everybody deals with. Everybody has bad days, and it's something that kids could identify with and see that they're not alone. They'd be able to say, "I'm having a bad day just like Alexander."