Skip this one and stay home.

Pretty inane. Doesn't really go anywhere. Meanders around for a long time and doesn't really seem to have a point.
Not a whole lot to say about this. I disagree with the feeding philosophy, but it's pretty standard for most people. It kind of sucks that Mama still has to be in charge of a lot of things even though it's supposed to be her night off.
The bears go out to eat. They have to wait a while. Papa takes the cubs for a walk. Mama almost falls asleep. She won't let them eat too much bread. She won't let them order french fries, and makes them get broccoli. She makes them eat all the broccoli before they get dessert. Then they go home.
The best part: "Taking care of Honey Bear is almost a full-time job in itself." Almost? Almost a full-time job in itself? You know, people get paid for that kind of thing.