Tikki Tikki? No. No.

I certainly don't want to read this to my two sons. Notwithstanding the possible racism, which I have to confess I was mostly unaware of due to my lack of education about other cultures (the illustrations made me think of Japan, but I didn't want to assume that China couldn't have similar art and clothing styles).
The story is this: there are two brothers in "ancient China", where the first and oldest son traditionally has a very long name, and the second son has hardly any name at all because they don't really matter. The elder brother's name is "Tikki Tikki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo", which is not Chinese, but the book claims means "The most wonderful thing in the whole wide world," and the youngest is "Chang", which apparently is Chinese, but does not actually mean "Little" or "Nothing". According to the internet, "Chang" means "constant" or "often", but depending on the intonation, can mean a whole lot of things, including "long" and "great" (as in "The Great Wall of China"), so kind of the opposite of "Little." Anyhow, every morning their mother washes clothes at a stream by her house. On the bank of the stream, there's an old well. Which seems a strange place to put a well, since clearly there is water right next to it. Unless the people were concerned (and knowledgeable) about sanitation, in which case they were much more advanced than ancient Europeans. Again, I can't say whether or not this is accurate, as I don't know enough about ancient China, or this mythical place that the author has conjured up which she claims is equivalent. The mother says not to play by the well because they will fall in, and they don't listen to her and Chang falls in. The older brother goes to the mother and says, "Chang fell in the well." Initially, the stream is so loud that she can't hear him, but then he yells at her and the mother says, "That troublesome boy." TTTSRBRPP has to go get "The Old Man with the Ladder" (kind of a sad thing to be known for), who lowers the ladder into the well, climbs in, and brings the boy back out. Chang gets better very quickly. They stay away from the well for several months, but then there's there's a festival and they go to the well to eat their rice cakes, play around, and TTTSRBRPP falls in. Chang goes to his mother and says that Tikki Tikki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo has fallen in the well. Like the first time, she can't hear him because the stream is too loud. He repeats himself, but she still can't hear, responding, "Tiresome Child, what are you trying to say?" He replies, at the top of his lungs, "Honorable Mother! Chari Bari Rembo Tikki Tikki Pip Pip has fallen into the well!" She says back, "Unfortunate Son, surely the evil spirits have bewitched your tongue. Speak your brother's name with reverence." Very slowly, out of breath, Chang says the name correctly. She says, "Oh, not my first and honored son, heir of all I possess!" She tells him to go get the Old Man with the Ladder. You would think he would have learned from his own experience in the well that his mother can't really help his brother get out, and probably should have skipped her and gone straight to the old man, who apparently cares less about propriety than about actually saving people's lives, but Chang is a young boy, so maybe it's beyond his understanding. But by the third time, she should have at least heard the part about falling in the well (she heard enough to know he was messing up his brother's name), or seen the emotion on her son's face and realized something dangerous was happening, so at that point she was just being horribly petty at the risk of her eldest son's life. Once Chang gets to the old man, he asks for help using his brother's full name, but finds the old man to be asleep. "Miserable child, you disturbed my dream. I had floated into a purple mist and found my youth again. There were glittering gateways and jeweled blossoms. If I close my eyes, perhaps I will again return." Chang finally just shortens it to, "Please, Old Man with the Ladder, please help my brother out of the cold well." The old man responds, "Your mother's 'precious pearl' has fallen into the well!" And runs as fast as he can. But by the time he gets the eldest out of the well, it takes TTTSRBRPP months to get better. "And from that day to this the Chinese have always thought it wise to give all their children little, short names instead of great long names."
From what I've read since reading this book, the Chinese do not have, and never have had, a tradition which dictates the length of their children's names. Nor do they wear kimonos or Japanese-style sandals. Unfortunately, many people see that this is supposed to be a Chinese folk tale, and assume it accurately portrays ancient China. Which it does not. Thankfully, the characters are not drawn as caricatures or anything that horrible.
However, even if this book wasn't culturally insensitive, even if it were set in a mythical land instead of a real one, it would still be a bad book. It depicts an institutionalized mistreatment of younger sons, suggesting they are worthless since they lack inheritance. If Chang was a girl (and thereby also ineligible to inherit property in many societies), this would be unbelievably sexist. As it is, there's no clear "-ism" for it, but I'm not reading it to my two sons. I both my children equally, regardless of their age, and throughout our current society, the vast majority of wills are written so that all heirs get the property divided equally among them. The mother belittles her younger son to the point of almost killing her favored eldest. She clearly plays favorites, and horribly neglects her children. It is a toxic message. It's supposed to be a funny story about long names, but I don't even understand what it's trying to say. What's the message the author's trying to get across? "Don't give your children long names"? That doesn't quite fit. "Here's why Chinese people have short names"? But that's not a thing. They don't have short names, any more than Europeans do. And it's not like it was a common misconception or stereotype, either. I'm guessing, based on her name alone, that Arlene Mosel is not Chinese. Although it's technically possible that she was, and married someone with the last name Mosel. Or heck, maybe "Mosel" is actually a Chinese name, and I'm woefully ignorant. But I'm disinclined to believe her as far as Chinese folk tales go, until she shows me she's done the research. And, according to my own sparse research, she didn't.
If the mother were punished for her callous treatment of her children, especially the youngest, then maybe her behavior would act as an anti-example. But as it is, with no repentance or personal consequences (only her eldest son suffers for it), I don't want this read to my kids. I don't want her behavior modeled for them. I don't want them to worry I'll ignore them if they fall down a well, or treat them differently based on their age alone. And I don't want them to feel that either of them is worthless. Not even in a relative sense.
Porquoi Tale
This book is not meant to be taught as a book about Chinese culture, but rather as a porquoi tale. If presented correctly, this is an excellent book to use in the classroom and with children of all ages.
But what is its point?
I get the idea of a porquoi tale, but it's explaining the reason for something that isn't even true. It would be like a porquoi tale of why Italians have purple hair.
The point you missed
Hey Cassandra, the point, or purpose of the story is not to explain the origin of short names, which in fact most chinese people do have (mostly only three one syllable characters, one of which is the surname). The point is that the superfluous makes for more trouble than it's worth. Children delight in the irony of T being given a long name as a gesture of prestige, and the resulting suffering as a consequence. The race inaccuracy is incidental, very probably accidental and surely not written to denigrate any other culture, and lacking anything mean-spirited that would make it racist. Censoring this from your children is pointless. If you have concerns about perceived racist intent, then it may serve them better for you to read it to them, and explain to them how you feel it is compromised as a creative work. Aim for equanimity.
I appreciate your interpretation. That's a good message. I would, however, argue that mean-spiritedness is not necessary for something to be racist. Racists don't necessarily view the other as bad, but often as lesser.
Hi, I read the article to my family, and I wantee to say your comment Was really! Something to read!
Racist racist racist
One would imagine some white kids landed in Shanghai airport changing the name and said he knew why Chinese have short names, good way to educate, bravo
This book was read to me by my 2nd grade teacher. Now 38, I still remember it and how I loved this story. Why must everything be taken so seriously nowadays and be seen as racism? I would and will definitely read this story to my children who I also teach to respect differences in all people.
Racism = Racism
I understand that you have fond memories of it, but that doesn't make it any less racist. And just because we didn't recognize that it was racist 30 years ago doesn't mean it's not racist. I'm surprised that people have latched on to the parts of my post that talk about its racist qualities, which I more or less gloss over, as others have written far better essays and posts about it than I can, especially given my non-Asian background. Well-known children's author Grace Lin talks about her problems with the book and reprints another writer's post at http://www.gracelinblog.com/2012/04/rethinking-tikki-tikki-tembo.html . This post illustrates the point much better than I can.
I remember this book, and I
I remember this book, and I also loved it.
I agree
Hearing this book read to me by my 2nd grade teacher is a fond memory for me. Racist? That's ridiculous.
It is just a book for fun, do you guys have to be so serious, serious will kill the guts out of you. Hey what)s next hey, banning dragons? Banning Chinese cultures? Speak to MEEEEEE!!!
About what?
What do you want me to speak to you about? I'm not suggesting that anyone ban anything. Mostly my site is my reviews of books that I think get too much credit for being "classic" when they need a second look. I think it's important to take children's books "seriously" since they're often read to young, impressionable minds, and often repeatedly. It's important not to fill our children's minds with subtle racism through our inattention.
Re: seriousness
I agree that it's important to watch what kids read. And besides, my dad's a pretty serious guy and he still hasn't had his guts killed out of him! :P
I agree totally with you. I
I agree totally with you. I am 35 and still love this book. I used to know it word for word!!
I loved this story as a child!
This is one of the first stories that’s appropriate for a young child and inflicts emotion at the same time. It’s not suppose to be accurate. According to you kids should not read the car in the hat because cats don’t wear hats.
I like how to you, a cat in a hat is the same as perpetuating racial stereotypes that paint all Asian people as the same. You could hypothetically put a cat in a hat, but you can't make Chinese people become Japanese people. The book demonstrates favoritism amongst children and is just inaccurate about the culture it wishes to represent. YOU can read the book to your kids, but it's still an ignorant book.
One of my favorites
The book is fun and silly, lighten up...
Yes, a cute little book!!! It is just a story!!
Fun to say
So fun to repeat
Tikki Tikki Tembo...
I love Dr Seuss books, too
Life can be whimsical and innocent
When seen through the eyes of a child
Not Harmful
My mother read this book to me when I was a child. I thought nothing about racism or inequality. As a child you don't think about any topics other than trying to enjoy the book. I love this book.
That's part of the problem
You don't need to notice racism or inequality for it to be there. As a child I watched Bugs Bunny cartoons and didn't think twice about racist caricatures in them (black people, Jewish people, and Japanese, primarily). They're still racist.
"You don't need to notice
"You don't need to notice racism or inequality for it to be there"
Actually you do, otherwise you're one of those people who are guilty of inventing things to be offended about. The cartoons you mention embody racial stereotypes, but they isn't automatically negative, or positive for that matter, since stereotypes don't exist without something to inspire them.
I respectfully disagree
I think that a lot of black people, Japanese people, and Jewish people would disagree with you on this as well. As a white person, I didn't notice these things. I'm sure they did. And these kinds of things seep into our culture. The idea that "X group is lazy" or "Y group is smart" get absorbed by us, as adults, or even as children, even if they're not true. And those kinds of stereotypes may have something to "inspire" them, but they're not true. And they are harmful. Many, many people of Asian descent are offended by images of Asians drawn with slanted eyes. Because that's not what they actually look like, and it dehumanizes them.
"I think that a lot of black
"I think that a lot of black people, Japanese people, and Jewish people would disagree with you on this as well"
That doesn't make them right though. A lot of Germans who idolised Hitler believed in his view of white supremacy. Did large numbers of supporters automatically make him right?
As for stereotypes, they are not intrinsically dehumanising. Employed in just the right way they can be entertaining, as in the realm of comedy. An illustration of an Asian person only implies hate, discrimination, ridicule or insult if those elements are clearly built into it. If they aren't, it doesn't matter how many Asian people object to it, it isn't racist. For the record, I'm not in the least racist myself. I'm an old Sunday School boy who was taught to believe 'we are all the same in the eyes of the lord.' But I'm also against censorship just because people don't like something and want to slap a racist label on it. If it's genuinely hateful, discriminating, mocking or insulting then I'll join you in denigrating it. You may feel this book is in poor taste, especially given its mixed up history when a bit of research could have easily avoided confusion, but declaring it racist or harmful is going too far.
Your argument
My point is not that "a lot of" people think it's racist, but that the people who it targets think it's racist.
Currently, your argument is this: "If I personally think it's funny, it can't be racist." I'm not sure what makes you the arbiter of what's racist. I tend to leave it up to the people who are depicted to say whether it's offensive. And I'm not the one saying this. In fact, my review of this book only calls it "possibly [racist]", and in another comment I direct people to http://www.gracelinblog.com/2012/04/rethinking-tikki-tikki-tembo.html for a much better discussion of this book and its racism than I could articulate, especially given my background as a white person. I am not saying "I think it is racist." I am saying, "Chinese people think it is racist." And I think they're a much better judge of this than I am.
No, that wasn't my argument
No, that wasn't my argument at all, but I won't bore you by repeating myself.
Thanks for that link you included. I agree with the authors conclusion that the book can be used for teaching opportunities, although telling the story without any references to China and Chinese culture sounds rather revisionist.
"If I personally think it's
"If I personally think it's funny, it can't be racist." You are basically stating your argument through that. "I think it's racist so it cant be funny or suitable for the young." Now i am Chinese and i no way shape or form do i think it is racist. Just because one or maybe two Chinese thought it was racist, doesn't mean it is. Also, how are you saying "i don't think it It's racist" how are you saying you dont think that? Through your posts and comments, that is ALL YOU HAVE IMPLIED IS THAT YOU THINK IT IS RACIST. Furthermore, if you dont think its racist, you have blindly written this post as you do not understand why it is racist, neither do you think that it is racist, rather you based your views off an article that may not even be true.
Subtlety is lost on you.
Let me spell this out.
1. Racist things are not suitable for the young.
2. Racist things could potentially be funny, but that is irrelevant.
3. "One or maybe two" is incorrect. Many, many Chinese people have spoken up about how racist this book is.
4. I am not MERELY stating "I think it is racist." I do, in fact, think it is racist. But my own opinions on this are not as relevant as the opinions of actual Chinese people who do think it is racist toward Chinese people.
5. I am glad that you, as a Chinese person, do not think this is racist.
6. What makes something "racist"? In my opinion, something is racist when it, either deliberately or unintentionally, exaggerates the differences between one "race" and "the norm", also known as "white people." This book does nothing but exaggerate the differences between Chinese people and white people, and it does it incorrectly. If this were an actual Chinese folk tale, told in a respectful manner, it would not be racist. But this is neither. There are people who might disagree with me on the definition of racist. There are people who might disagree with me on whether or not this was done in a respectful manner. But thus far, you have done neither. And if you had read my original post, you would see that the racism which some people (including myself) see in this book is not even my main objection to the book. My views are not based off of an article, I am only citing it because it is a more relevant viewpoint than my own.
As a Chinese Youth
I loved this story as a child. I am half Chinese. When I was older, I questioned whether or not these customs mentioned were true. While no one was able to verify the length of names, the custom of less important second born and daughters is true. (The first born inherits. Daughters are considered a part of their husbands family after they marry. So your first born son was the one who would care for you in elderly stages of life. Daughters and second sons got the short end of the stick. But like all stories, exaggeration isn't a crime.) The first born male was always considered more valuable. Is this fair, no. But Chinese custom has grown since then. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't still write about those times to teach lessons. My students had a great discussion about this book when I used it in class. Both about inheritance and equality. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
I appreciate your perspective
I appreciate your perspective. I agree that we can take lessons from these sorts of stories. And daughters and later born sons were thought of as lesser in many cultures, in the past, and sometimes even modern times (as with the one-child rule in China). In fact, this story seems to have its roots in a Japanese folktale, so it is likely that Japan also had this problem, as well as potentially the custom of long names.
You're are ridiculous
I can't believe you would be so offended by this child's story. You are in fact what is wrong with the world and not the innocence of this childs tale. Take a deep breath and calm down. Then examine what has harmed you so deeply that you cannot handle a child's tale anymore.
Good one.
I can still remember his name but I forgot the story. I happened to click here, and I am shocked to read this "review". You are what is wrong with society and parents today. You are the racist who paints everything with a racist brush. If you refuse to read your kids stories and you teach them about racism, you are perpetuating your own racism. If inequality is part of someones culture, why are you trying to change it? It is their culture. You want to undo 5000 years of culture and history cause it makes you feel strange? Grow a backbone and learn to be an adult. Too many whiney hopey-changey drones out here...jeesh.
Wow, hit a nerve, did I?
Wow, hit a nerve, did I?
Tikki tikki tembo
No you didn't hit a nerve. We all come from different ethnic groups and cultures. And most are stereo typed in some way or another. ...so get a life and stop spewing your self righteousness. . I'm glad your not my mother as I would have been deprived of a great story which by the way has never made me prejudice against Chinese.
Tiki Tiki Tembo is not a bad
Tiki Tiki Tembo is not a bad story is not a "mistreatment"of younger sons and is most definetly not sexist.I read this book to my sons and the younger one most most definetly does not feel mistreated.I agree with tbone.
Talk about over thinking this book - geesh!
bad review
Retarded review. Oh, was that racist? I'm a musician and see retards everywhere
"Retard" isn't racist; it's ableist, but because you're using it like that, you probably don't care.
And it's not musical.
The musical term is "ritard" anyway, with an "i". Source: also a musician.
Seriously? Why are you taking every aspect of this book so serious? What are you gonna deconstruct puff the magic dragon next?
I read this book as a kid and you know what I got from it? Irony. It was funny. The first sons honourable title was the same thing that almost cost him his life. Did I got up to any asian person and asked then if their mother treats then like chang or tiki afterward? No. Because I knew better. Cuz I was taught better. And I was 6. Children are only as rude and stupid as you allow them to be.
yep same
Well said ... I am not a racist person because I was raised not to be .. I loved this book as a kid
You realize this is an old parable right not a historical drama? Only highlighting the important things that support the story to give the lesson. The tradition is there to make sense why some things whee as they were whether real or not. Whatever, not worth wasting me time with an SJW cause i know ill be the bad guy somehow.
Why make a big deal out of nothing. This was one if not my favorite book as a child it made me want to read. Its a great Fairy tale.
Anybody who says this isn’t racist
or this shouldn’t be taken as seriously needs to check their privilege. So glad your experience with racism is positive or nonexistent! But it is still a struggle for a huge part of the population today and all I hear you saying is “I don’t care about other people”.
White Privilege is a hell of a drug!
I totally agree with you. When books like this are read to young children they perpetuate stereotypes and this book is full of inaccuracies. This book could actually be remade into a high quality multicultural book for children if it were done right. I get it, I remember this book from childhood as well, but if I were a Chinese child in a class where the teacher read this, I would be mortified!!!
Sharing as a storyteller
I'm with you on this one, Cassandra. Whenever I tell the story - and it's popular because of the repetition, and I use tangrams to accompany the story - I always introduce it as a story that is SET in China (as is Aladdin from the Arabian Nights) but I say it is not a Chinese story. Although it pretends to be a pourquoi tale, it's totally fake. If I'm pressed for a moral, it's that people who make fun of others usually get hoist with their own petard. Personally I favour the origin story that it is an adaptation of a Japanese rakugo tale from the late 1600's adapted in the 1920's by a Japanese writer happy to make fun of the Chinese-sounding names at a time of cultural one-upmanship between the two countries.
Thanks for the background info!
I appreciate your interest in the tale as it is, and not as it pretends to be. It's always nice to read a thoughtful comment on this post. The fact that you agree with me is a bonus.
Cassandra - You clearly did
Cassandra - You clearly did hit a nerve with that person! Notice how they
just had to throw in a snarky comment about hope and change. No lingering
Obama hatred there at all. I commend you for your post about this book, and
for sticking to your truth despite some of the rude and downright ignorant
comments. Many of these comments show exactly why racism and prejudicial
views continue to persist. Most of these people are basically saying there's
nothing racist about the book because they don't personally understand how it
can be viewed as racist. They refuse to look at it from any perspective
other than their own.
This honestly doesn't surprise me at all. As a Black person, I am very
accustomed to white people having this attitude. If a racial minority dares
to say that something is racist, many white people will immediately get
defensive and decide that we are the problem and we're just playing the race
card (or race baiting, or making everything about race, or inventing a
problem where there was none, or can't take a joke, etc). The common thread
is we are always wrong for claiming that something is racist, while they are
always right when claiming that pretty much nothing is racist. Everything is
always seen from their (white person) point of view only. It's exhausting
when people not only refuse to listen, but also think they actually know more
about the truth of your own lived experience than you do.
It even happens if you're a white person who doesn't blindly believe the
"nothing is really racist" nonsense. Just look at how much push back you're
getting as a white person who dared to consider this story from the
perspective of someone other than a white woman. People are basically saying
you're just causing trouble for no reason, just because you realize that
everyone doesn't have the advantage of viewing the world through the rosy
gaze of white privilege. The saddest thing is it's never actual racism that
bothers these people, they're only bothered by the fact that someone dared to
call something racist. What kind of logic is that? The truth makes these
types of folks very uncomfortable. It's hard to keep burying your head in
the sand and pretend racism doesn't exist if we trouble makers keep calling
it out.