
Facts about apes with nice pictures.

There's no story. It's just a bunch of facts. The pictures are kind of cool, but there's nothing to follow.


Apes are awesome and deserve to be protected.

Dads are too busy to be good people.

I wanted to like it, but it's kind of judgmental against people who don't take time to look at the world around them.


Pay attention to the world around you, because fairies are everywhere.

Your mother is hiding because you are annoying.

It's just not very interesting. It's brief. There aren't a lot of words, but the words that there are repeat themselves.



The alphabet is just an illusion.

It's pretty to look at, but not interesting enough to read more than once.


Teaches the alphabet.

Beautiful yet confusing alphabet book.

The bat, for example, is carrying a hammer with his feet. I'm not sure why. "Hammer" doesn't start with B. He doesn't look like he's about to use the hammer for anything. Maybe it's supposed to be a "ball-peen hammer"?


Teaches the alphabet and animals.

Boring book literally about bears being on wheels.

A lot less interesting than it sounds. Very simple. Nothing happens. There's no story.


Teaches numbers. Counting, perhaps.

Papa Bear fails at being entertaining.

This is Papa Bear being an idiot again. It's really not that interesting to watch Papa Bear fail repeatedly.


Picnics are terrible.

Pretty to look at, not much substance.

It's very metaphorical, and kind of spiritual. "Beating the earth drum."


Horses are cool.

Don't go camping with idiots.

He gets very badly hurt and comes home, and then the Bear Scouts say, "At least he showed us what not to do. Ha ha ha ha ha ha." The end. I don't even know what the message is. "Papa Bear is an idiot," maybe.


Don't take advice from the inexperienced.

Sad book that seems more for parents.

I don't know who it's for. It certainly wouldn't make the kids feel any better about waiting.


Don't make your kids wait after school.